
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Download

For those who are downloading this to print for use in their wards, this will hopefully help.  There has been some question as to the process to get the same document I use to print for my own ward.  Here is how: if you click on the link (click where it says "click here") it will take you to google docs.  To get the original document you must then click on the download link.  This should be on the top right hand side of your screen. When you click "download" it will download to your computer the same document I have on my computer. (Sometimes when you click the download link, you may still have to tell your computer to download it.  A message in the lower left of the screen will appear and you can click it to open.) When the document is downloaded and pulled up you can print it.  If you have trouble printing, you may need to click "enable editing" at the top of the page. (But you should be able to just print)  SO basically - in order to get the printable document I have on my computer, you have to go one more step after getting the google docs.  Good luck.  I hope this is not as "clear as mud".  But if it is and you have any trouble, PLEASE ask questions and I'll try to help!
Happy Downloading!

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