April is the month we know that spring has
arrived! The world turns green, trees blossom, and tulips brighten up the
flower beds. April brings the hope of a harvest yet to come as seeds are
planted and young plants grow. We look for the flowers that the April showers
will bring! So it is with our preparedness. As we add another level of
preparedness, or maintain the things we have done – hope grows with it. There
is hope that we have done things necessary to take care of our families in
times of trials or disasters. We make that hope sure by being prepared for WHEN
(not IF) we find ourselves in need of extra food, water or emergency supplies. Remember,
it was not raining when Noah built the ark either! Let us “Be Prepared” for
whatever storm may come our way.
Included in this month's newsletter:
Quenching Thirst in a Disaster: Life Sustaining Water! a list of things to do to ensure safe drinking water. Includes two ways to purify water that are used in 3rd world countries.
Cooking with Food Storage: Making Casseroles. a list of items to choose from to build your own casseroles using ingredients from the storage shelves, and freezer.
In the Southern Utah Garden a list of things to do for April.
An Encouraging Word...to Be Prepared! Quotes from different people stressing the need to be prepared!
Click here for a complete copy of April 2018 Back to Basics Newsletter.
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