
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Friday, November 1, 2019

November 2019 Back To Basics Newsletter

Click here for a complete copy of the November 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter.

“Come, ye thankful people, come; Raise the song of harvest home. All is safely gathered in - Ere the winter storms begin.” This well-loved Thanksgiving hymn draws our thoughts to gratitude and preparedness. If we are thankful – we have a harvest – we have gathered in every needful thing, and we are ready for whatever storms of trials and adversity may come our way. Does your home reflect an attitude of gratitude? As we embark on a month devoted to gratitude, will the lord see our thankfulness with our food storage shelves and 72 hour kits filled? Are we ready for the storms, be they temporal or spiritual? Paul taught “If any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (1 Timothy 5:8) Let us show our gratitude, let us be thankful, let us provide for our families with some to spare for the needy. Let us truly Raise the Song of Harvest Home and have All Safely Gathered In. Let us Be Prepared!

Included in this month's newsletter:
Ere the Winter Storms Begin - a list of items to include in a car kit so you are ready for winter driving challenges.
Preparation with Purpose - a list of possible events where you will need to "Be Prepared," and what kinds of preparedness items to address it with.
Spiritual Preparedness - small and simple - a quote from Elder M Russel Ballard on the small and simple things we can do to fill our lives with peace and joy.
In the Southern Utah Garden - November things we can do to finish up the fall garden and prepare for the spring garden.
Thanksgiving Recipes - recipes for No Fail Pie Crust, Leftover Turkey Roll-ups, and Basic Dixie Salad.
Disaster Prep: Consequences! - what will happen if I don't prepare? A few thoughts on consequences pertaining to disasters.
A Food Storage Thanksgiving - a list of items you can store for Thanksgiving dinner, and a challenge to be ready for next year off the shelves.
Disaster/Emergency Prep - a list of tools and equipment that can help in your quest to be prepared.

Click here for a complete copy of the November 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter.

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