
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2021 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the March 2021 Back to Basics Newsletter.

March is the spring month a lot happens in the garden and yard. Perennials wake up, gardens get planted, grass turns green, and the weather is unpredictable! We all hope if it comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb, but even that is unpredictable! One thing that is predictable, however, is the ability and effort we each can put in to our preparedness, provident living, or self-sufficiency. No matter how much of “the luck of the Irish” is with us- we each can choose to be ready temporally, AND spiritually, for whatever the storms of life may throw our way. We never know when a pandemic, a Texas-like-snow storm, job loss, or any other natural disaster may hit. But we can be ready for any of it. Even a small amount of preparedness will go a long way to keeping our family safe and our minds at peace.  Do it TODAY!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Disaster Prep - Lessons from Texas

Fuel Storage - How will I keep warm and cook?

In the Southern Utah Garden

Cooking with Food Storage: Powdered Milk Recipes

Spiritual Preparedness - Conference 2020 Quotes (President Russell M Nelson)

Family Communication Plan

Provident Living Homemade Cleaners.

 Click here for a complete copy of the March 2021 Back to Basics Newsletter.