Click here for a complete copy of the May 2022 Back to Basics Newsletter.
May is a month
with many references to the joy it brings. It has been called “The Merry Month of
May,” the arrival of which historically brought “May Day” celebrations, that
often included the weaving of the May Pole! We always hear that “April showers
bring May flowers!” The blooming roses, lilacs, and iris are proof! It’s pretty
hard to NOT like the month of May. This is also a great month for us to focus
on our preparedness! We can finish planting a garden, bottle some strawberry
jam, and cut a bouquet of flowers from the garden to brighten someone’s day. It
is a great time to plan how to use the summer to add to our preparedness. What
can you bottle or dry to store for winter? Can you turn a closet or room into a
storage area? What tools or equipment can you purchase to be ready for any
disaster? What are you lacking in YOUR preparedness plan? Whatever it is - this Merry Month of May is
the perfect time to get it done!
Self-Sufficiency and Food Shortages - a list of ways to get going on your food storage, places to find food, and ideas to afford it!
Disaster Prep: Family Preparedness Survey - a list of 21 questions to ask you and your family to help focus on ways to be prepared for an emergency.
In The Southern Utah Garden - gardening tasks to do in the month of May.
Cooking with Food Storage - Recipes for Homemade Egg Noodles, and Pizza Crust (with topping suggestions) that can be used for a breakfast cinnamon roll!
A "New" Planting Guide - Mother Nature's time line for planting gardens.
Using Food Storage: Powdered Eggs - Amounts to use to reconstitute, and a recipe for egg substitutes.
Provident Living: How to Live on a Shoe String - a list of money saving ideas and cleaning recipes.
Spiritual Preparedness - a quote from Dallin H Oaks on a 24 hour spiritual prep kit.
Click here for a complete copy of the May 2022 Back to Basics Newsletter.