
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Friday, February 28, 2025

March 2025 Back to Basics Newsletter


Click here for a complete copy of the March 2025 Back to Basics Newsletter.

March may come “marching” in like a gentle lamb and blow out like a fierce lion, or vice-versa! You just never know! The only thing that is sure is – March is not predictable!  And that is exactly how life is. Just unpredictable. This is the reason we have been admonished to be prepared! We cannot sit around and hope for “The Luck o’ the Irish” (the wish that comes with St Patrick’s Day!) We have to be prepared for “every needful thing.”  As we put food storage on the shelves, fill the freezer, pack a 72-hour kit, and sharpen our self-sufficiency skills, we are able to say, as Elder Joseph B Worthlin did, “Come what may and love it!” Preparedness is something we do not want to procrastinate! We never know when a storm may blow in or how long it will stay! Having the “Luck o’ the Irish” really does depend on the effort and work behind the Pot of Gold!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Chicken Time - Live Storage -  tips to get your onw flock of egg layers going!

The Chicken Farmer's Favorites - a list of breeds experience recommends.

Spiritual Preparedness -a quote from President Russell M Nelson on preparing for the 2nd coming of our savior Jesus Christ.

In the Southern Utah Garden -tips for your garden and yard this month.

Cooking with Food Storage - Using Rice:  tips and recipes for rice.

Disaster Prep: Sheltering In - basic tips for sheltering in, and specific for chemical leak or hazardous air quality.

Provident Living Tips:  ideas to save you money or make life easier.

Click here for a complete copy of the March 2025 Back to Basics Newsletter.