
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

August 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter

Click here for a complete copy of August 2019 Back to Basics newsletter.

“Today while the sun shines work with a will,” is the first line of a well-loved hymn that is a great motto for our lives. August is certainly a “sun-shining” month; a great time to use those “today” moments to prepare for whatever tomorrow may bring. We can “prepare for tomorrow by working today.” We can “work with a will” as we prepare both temporally and spiritually. “Today while the sun shines” we can put together that 72 hour kit, bottle fruit to enjoy in the winter, plan how to respond to any disaster, and live so that we can draw on the spirit to guide us. We can “work with a will” and “our duties fulfill” as we take the responsibility to be prepared to care for our families in any situation. While this summer sun shines - while we have the resources available – we can take advantage of the bounty that surrounds us . We live in times of plenty where the sunshine abounds. Let us prepare for the leaner times when the winter storms arrive and the sun is not so bright. Instead of complaining about the heat and summer sun – bottle it up for the future. Remember – as Ralph Waldo Emerson said “This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”

Included in this months newsletter:
Disaster Prep: Be the One - 1 in 10 people keep it together in a disaster. Is that you? Ideas for how you can "be the one!"
Got Milk? Ideas for storing and using powdered milk.
In the Southern Utah Garden - Things to do in August. Planting, weeding, watering and more.
Using Summer's Bounty -  recipes for tomato soup, fresh peach cobbler and dried tomatoes, peppers and onions.
Powdered Milk - Now you stored it, how to use it -Recipes for sweetened condensed milk, buttermilk, cheese and pudding.
End of Life Preparation - a list of 25 things you should gather before you die!
Need Some Incentive? A visual of how much food you can have if you store a years supply of basics.

Click here for a complete copy of August 2019 Back to Basics newsletter.

Monday, July 1, 2019

July 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter

Click here for a complete copy of the July 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter.

July is the month Americans celebrate the freedoms fought and died for over decades and centuries of wars and conflicts. Blood was spilt so we could all enjoy the life we live today. Are we grateful for our freedom? This is a “choice land” that was set aside as God’s promised land centuries ago. Do we live a life that shows God our gratitude? Part of showing gratitude to God is by keeping his commandments. Jesus said “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” One of those commandments is to be prepared, both spiritually and temporally. This summer is a great time to use our rich resources to set aside for a rainy day. “Today while the sun shines” let us harvest the fruits and vegetables and fill our bottles and freezers. Let us fill the water jugs and get that 72 hour kit ready. Let us fill some buckets and cans with beans and grains. Let us search the scriptures, pray, keep the sabbath holy, and attend church and the temple so that our spiritual lamps are also filled. Let us use our freedom to Be Prepared. Freedom is not “free”, but neither is the satisfaction preparedness brings. Let us pay the price for the peace of preparedness.

Included in this month's newsletter:
Disaster Prep- Simple ways to be prepared for emergencies: a list of easy do to things that will help us handle disasters.
Honoring Pioneers - Preparedness Style: a list of things we can follow the example of our forefathers to help us be better prepared and enjoy provident living.
In the Southern Utah Garden: items to plant, tips on watering, other garden ideas.
Using Food Storage - in the Good Ol' Summertime: a list of storage items to use and make frozen treats to cool off this summer.
Spiritual Preparedness: a quote from Elder Henry B Eyring about faith and obedience.
Provident Living - Edible Backyard Weeds: a list of common weeds found in and around your yard that are edible and provide great nutrients.

Click here for a complete copy of the July 2019 Back to Basics Newsletter.