
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Friday, May 31, 2024

June 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

Click here for a complete copy of the June 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

June is a wonderful month with temperatures usually on a milder side – before the heat of summer settles in. It is perfect for finishing the garden, outdoor activities on a warm evening, or trips to the mountain to cool off and maybe catch a fish! June brings first harvests of berries, cherries and apricots. It is the perfect month to take a dip in a pool or wade in the river. So many family activities are perfect in the month of June! With all the fun to fill our time, let us look towards including preparedness in the activities we pursue. Try out the ideas in this newsletter to make summertime livin’ easy! Stock up on more of the basic storage items, and fill some water jugs. Find a way as a family to improve your preparedness, make it a “way of life,” AND enjoy the “Good Ol’ Summertime!”

Included in this months newsletter: 

Sweets for the sweet - tips for storing sugar- a basic storage item!

Disaster Prep - A Power-Up Bag- ideas for items to put in one bag ready for any power outage or evacuation.

A Ball Book tip.

Spiritual Preparedness - Quote from Bishop W Christopher Waddell on preparing for challenging times.

In the Southern Utah Garden - tips for your June garden and yard.

Summertime and the Preparedness Livin' is easy - ideas for summer activities that help you in your preparedness.

Cooking with Food Storage - Everlasting Yeast, Sour Dough Starter, and Dads Sour Dough Biscuits recipes.

Provident Living Hints - ideas to save some money as you take care of June fruits.

Click here for a complete copy of the June 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the May 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

May is here at last! A wonderful month filled with flowers (from those April showers), longer days, and growing lawns and gardens. “May-Day” celebrations, which originated in the USA, are today held all over the world, as communities welcome spring, Weaving the May Pole and local festivities are not as prevalent as they used to be. But we are still happy to see May arrive.  In May our yards burst with color, we start to harvest a few garden veggies, and we prepare for the bounty soon to come in summer! This month is a great time to make plans to use the harvest and store your garden and fruit tree produce. Do you have a canner? Ae you ready to try using that pressure cooker? Do you have new canning lids on the shelf? Is your canning jar supply sufficient? Have you stocked up on sugar, canning salt, and vinegar? Now is the time to take inventory and re-supply so you are ready when canning season is here.  As May blooms all around us, let us add to our preparedness efforts as well. We can let our preparedness blossom!

Included in this month's newsletter:

The Right Tools for the Job - Canning Equipment - get ready for canning season with the "tools of the trade." This list can get you started.

Provident Living - Frugal Living Ideas - a list of things to do to help save your hard earned cash!

Disaster Prep - Cool Clear Water - a list of things to remember as you store water for your family.

Spiritual and Temporal Preparedness - a timely quote from Robert D Hales.

In the Southern Utah Garden - plant almost everything if you missed getting your garden going. A few tips are included to help your May gardening tasks.

72-Hour Kit Recipes - Recipes for Emergency Bars (for your kit) candles, and wicks.

Disaster Prep: The 72 Hour (or more) kit - a list of specific supplies to help you build a kit for each member of your family.

Click here for a complete copy of the May 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Friday, March 29, 2024

April 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the April 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Spring has sprung – and we hope for April showers to bring May flowers! Spring is a time for renewal. We see the world green up, gardens get planted and seeds sprout, and the world feels refreshed as winter fades into the past. April is also a busy month with so many ways to spread our time. The longer days seem to demand a longer list of “to-dos.”  In the midst of the renewal of the world and the box checking of our lists- let us remember to include preparedness. If we make preparedness a way of life- it is a part of our daily planner. The garden produces what we eat. The stocked shelves supply a quick meal on the way to the game. With a bit of deliberate intention, we can “work in” a little more preparedness living!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Myth Busters - Preparedness Style -  a list of "myths" about food storage that offer a better view to help you get your family prepared!

Disaster Prep - Tips to help you be ready -  ideas to add to your preparedness.

Making Preparedness a Way of Life -  basic way to get started and a list of where to start.

In the Southern Utah Garden -  a list of things to plant and chores to do for April.

Family Preparedness Assessment -  a list of questions from the Temporal Preparedness Guide to help us give ourselves a self check.

Using the harvest - "Egg-stra Eggs" - recipe and ideas to use and store your farm fresh eggs!

Spiritual Preparedness - quote from President Thomas S Monson on the importance of our faith and testimony.

Click here for a complete copy of the April 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

Click here for a complete copy of the March 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

This month is all about time! It is time to “march” right into spring! It brings about the semi-annual “time” change. This is the time when, if the month comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb (or vice-versa), and either way we will know, spring has sprung! This is the time of year we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day half way through the month, and at the end - it’s time for Easter. And, it is also a GREAT TIME – for preparedness! This is often the month of case lot sales – so take some time to stock up on supplies. This is the time to get much of your garden planted – so take advantage of a wonderful growing season to save money and provide healthy meals for your family.  A little time invested in planting will reap a great harvest through the summer and into fall, and even into winter with things you freeze or can. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” Let us use this months’ TIME – wisely!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Making Preparedness a Way of Life - tips to help you have a "way of life" mindset as you build a supply, include emergency prep, and save money!

Be Prepared...Advice From a Prophet - quotes from Presidents Gordon B Hinckley and Spencer W Kimball to inspire us to be prepared.

Disaster Prep - small tasks you can do today to keep tomorrow safe in case of a disaster.

Spiritual Preparedness -  a thought from LDS Self Reliance Services

In the Southern Utah Garden -  March tasks to get your garden and yard going.

Cooking with Food Storage - A basic bread recipe - and a list of quick dishes that work best/only with homemade bread! Also a flour tortilla recipe for a "different" bread!

A Year of Planting - A chart that divides planting into groups according to weather and soil.  This applies to all planting zones, but included approximate dates for Southern Utah.

Provident Living - Money Saving Challenges -  a list of four things you can do to save some money!

Click here for a complete copy of the March 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of February 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Its February – the month that brings Valentines Day - so love is in the air! A lot of songs have hit the charts encouraging a “little love in your heart.” What a great month to show a little love to the ones who matter most in our lives – our families! A wonderful way to share the love – is to be prepared! As we take some extra time to plan and prepare for our loved ones, we ensure their safety and well-being both now and in a future day. Just like “love” takes time to “bloom” – so it is with our preparedness. Truly, love is spelled T-I-M-E! This is a great month to show your love, and take the time to continue (or begin) on your preparedness journey. No one knows how to meet your family’s needs better than you do. Do not rely on the good graces of your neighbor, church, or government. The physical care of the saints is an impossible task for the church should a large-scale calamity strike. The responsibility to care for your own is yours. So “step up to the plate” – and show the love!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Food and Disaster Preparedness Planning - a list of things to plan for both food and disaster.

Incentive - Why Should I Be Prepared? quotes to inspire and give you incentive to prepare.

In the Southern Utah Garden - tips for the February garden.

Cooling with Food Storage - recipes for homemade noodles and 3 kinds of pudding using ingredients you store on the shelf.

Making Preparedness a Way of Life - the steps to make to never run out of anything!

Provident Living - 2024 Challenges - challenges to take on this year to help you save some money and be more self-sufficient.

Spiritual Preparedness -  a quote from President Henry  Eyring on the importance of Spiritual Prep.

Click here for a complete copy of February 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

January 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter


Click here for a complete copy of the January 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

“Out with the old, and in with the new!” It is surprising how one day can usher in such big changes and goals for an entire upcoming year. It presents a wonderful opportunity to jump on the bandwagon as we say goodbye to “Old Man Time” and hello to “Baby New Year.” The cold days and long nights of winter, provide just the right setting for retrospection and planning! It is the perfect time to take inventory and make plans for our preparedness! How will you improve your food storage to keep your family healthy and happy? What can you add to emergency supplies to make your family more comfortable in hard times? What have you been meaning to get around to, but the time slips away? This is YOUR time. January is a gift of time to make the changes necessary to bring ourselves and families “Back to the Basics” of Provident Living and responsibility with the resources we are blessed with. “This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it” (Ralph Waldo Emerson.) Let’s use our time to Be Prepared! Truly, if we are prepared, there will be no need to fear!

Included in this month's newsletter:

New Year - Old Lists! A list of amounts needed per person for a one year supply and ideas to include for your three month supply.

Wintering Chickens - Live Storage - Ideas for keeping your flock healthy and laying this winter.

Spiritual Preparedness - Two quotes on the oil of spiritual preparedness, and on being ready for the Lords protection in the last days.

In the Southern Utah Garden - Winter chores as you Prune, Prevent, Plan, Plant and Prepare.

Cooking with Food Storage - Recipes for five different winter soups using items from a food storage.

Disaster Prep - Ideas to add a tub of camping items to your 72 hour kit - to be ready to grab in a disaster, or take camping.

Provident Living - Money Saving Tips - Make your own cleaners and save money with these recipes.

Click here for a complete copy of the January 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

December 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter


Click here for a complete copy of the December 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! It truly is “The most wonderful time of year!” There’s always a greater spirit of kindness and giving in December, that we all wish would carry on throughout the upcoming year. We have been asked to share the Light of Christ at this special time of year. What a wonderful opportunity this gives to us to bless our fellowmen. A part of that service opportunity and sharing the light is also needful among our own family members. We can help our immediate and extended families in their preparedness efforts. The Christmas season is also a wonderful time to strengthen our spiritual preparedness. Jesus Christ is the “reason for the season”, and all temporal and spiritual preparedness are ultimately acquired so we will be ready to welcome Him in a coming day, when He Comes Again! Let us use our Christmas celebrations as a time to be prepared for such a day! If we are prepared we shall not fear! Let this year’s best “presents,” be our seeking to be in His “presence!”

Included in this month's newsletter: 

A Preparedness Christmas - a list of preparedness gift ideas for your family and friends.

Disaster Prep - Where were you when the lights went out? - ideas for short and long term preparedness for power outages.

Disaster Prep - Solar Cooking - an inexpensive way to have a solar cooker.

In the Southern Utah Garden - garden tips for December.

Cooking With Food Storage - Christmas Goodies - recipes for Pecan Brittle, Easy Caramel Corn, and Rolled Sugar Cookies (all with ingredients you can store) and a link to other Christmas goodies from a past newsletter.

Spiritual Preparedness - two quotes on our spiritual preparedness needs.

Emergency Prep - Heat in a Can - "how to" instructions to make a can for a small amount of heat and to cook on in emergencies.

Home Storage Order Form - a list of items from Home Storage Centers with prices for 2023, and a link to find a center across the United States and Canada.

 Click here for a complete copy of the December 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the November 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

November is our month of “Gratitude.” This is the month that the glow of autumn settles on the world around us. The days are still pleasant, and the nights cool enough to encourage a cozy fire to gather round. It is that time of year when we are thankful “all is safely gathered in” so we can say, “let the winter storms begin.” Being grateful helps us recognize the blessings that God sends to us, and in turn encourages us to use wisely the resources that are ours. Let us each use this Thanksgiving month to show our gratitude for all we are blessed with, by being sure we have put aside “every needful thing,” and can care for our families. What better way to show our gratitude to the Lord for his bounty, than to be good stewards over it, and follow His admonition that “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” As Ralph Emerson once said, “This time – like all times -is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”  Let us use this time of Thanksgiving, to Be Prepared!

Included in this newsletter:

Food Storage: A Place for Everything - ideas for organization, inventory, and rotation to help make your food storage program be a little more successful.

Provident Living - A Penny Saved - ideas to save money with grocery shopping, cleaning supplies, and thrifty choices.

Spiritual Preparedness - several quotes and scriptures that inspire out preparedness.

In the Southern Utah Garden - tips for our November Garden.

Using the Fall Harvest - ideas for your pumpkins and green tomatoes.

Disaster Prep - Building Unity - points on how unity with those around can help in a disaster and tips on how to build unity.

A Food Storage Thanksgiving - items you can have ready for Thanksgiving Dinner you store on your shelf, in the freezer, or a cold storage location. Put on a dinner without a trip to the store.

Cooking with Food Storage - Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes - No fail pie crust, Dixie Salad, and Cranberry Relish.

 Click here for a complete copy of the November 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Friday, September 29, 2023

October 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter


Click here for a complete copy of the October 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Fall has arrived! Autumn brings the wonderful aromas of apples, wood stoves, and changing leaves. Even the glow of an autumn day is different. Fall brings harvests to a close, and says goodbye to leftover summer days. It is a favorite season – filled with the tranquility that autumn brings. With our harvest time closing, it is a great time to be sure we have stored for the “rainy day” that always comes. Let us be sure our store room and freezer shelves are lined with the goodness of the summer bounty. Fall is a great time to check up on emergency preparations as well. No one plans on a disaster or even a bump in the road. Truly – “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!” We can use this wonderful season of fall – to be sure our preparedness plans “fall” into place. We can say, as Elder Joseph B Wirthlin did – “Come what may and love it.” We can “Be Prepared!”

Included in this month's issue:

The Harvest - a list of ways to extend the harvest and store fresh vegetables and fruit.

Winter Ready - Let the "storms" begin -  a few chores to be ready for whatever future "storms" may bring.

Provident Living - three tips for saving money - boiling socks to make matched, freezer leftovers and meals, and a Halloween makeup recipe.

Spiritual Preparedness -  a quote from Elder Evan A Schmutz on the certainty of storms in our lives and the only way we can survive.

In the Southern Utah Garden - a list of things to do for the October yard and garden.

Prophetic Provident Preparedness Pointers - two quotes about why we need a home storage by Presidents Spencer W Kimball and Gordon B Hinckley.

Cooking with Food Storage - Apples! - recipes for Apple Peel Jelly, Applets Candy, and Best Caramel Apple Dip.

How Much Should I Store?  a web site link you can go to that will calculate the amounts of various long and shorter term food storage specifically for the size and ages of your family.

Disaster Prep - Tips for a Winter Power Outage - ideas for things to buy and have on hand in advance, what to do if you lose water when you lose power, and helpful preparation tips.

Click here for a complete copy of the October 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

September 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the September 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

September is known for many things: back to school, apple harvesting, pleasant weather, fall festivals, rodeos, and porch sitting. It is also the “National Preparedness Month.” What a perfect time for us to wrap up our summer with an extra effort to address our preparedness. As we end a glorious summer – we have hopefully set aside some of the harvest for a rainy day. That “Ounce of Prevention” of stocking shelves and a 72-hour kit today, is truly worth a “Pound of Cure” when emergencies arrive. Those preparedness efforts will pay off in times of emergencies, but they also help us in living providently. We eat food bought at good prices, instead of scrambling when supplies are low. We are able to care for our loved ones and not wonder each day what we will put on the table. The storms of life will certainly arrive, and in a variety of forms; but the greatest reward for preparedness may just be the peace of mind that comes when you know that you are ready to provide for those you love. If we are prepared we will not fear, and better yet- we can feel the same peace and calm as… a September Day!

Included in this month's newsletter - 

A Three Month Supply - the first step to build a year's supply: ideas to included as you stock your pantry for 3 months.

No Time Like the Present: Ideas to help you get your food storage. Includes a quote from Elder David Bednar on the importance of preparedness.

In the Southern Utah Garden: a list of garden tips for September. 

Disaster Prep - Family Disaster Plan: a list of suggestions and important things to include in your family plan.

Using Your Grape Harvest: recipes and ideas for using grapes.

Testing One- Two- Three: ways to test stored items

Click here for a complete copy of the September 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the August 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

The dog days of summer are upon us! It’s that hot, sultry time of year that can be – well a bit hot and sultry! But it is also a wonderful time of star gazing since the sun is setting a bit earlier, and eating juicy peaches right off the orchard trees, or fitting in a float down the river to cool off and enjoy the tranquil peace of the lazy summer water. This is the month that families try to fit those last activities in before school starts again, and school shoppers look for sales. It is also a time of harvesting. Summer gardens and orchards are producing and the bounty is ready to set aside for a rainy day. Bottles of fruits and veggies begin to line the storage shelves, and before we know it, we are surprised how fast those steamy kitchens with canners boiling have filled the shelf. In the midst of the dog days with plenty, we can put away for those winter days when storms may blow.

Included in this newsletter:

Storing Tips for "Basic" Long Term Storage - tells ideas for storing items, and includes the year amounts per person.

Disaster Prep - Be Ready at all Times - a list of things to include in a prep plan to be prepared for any surprises!

Spiritual Preparedness - a great quote from Boyd K. Pacher about industry, thrift and self reliance spiritually as well as temporally.

In the Southern Utah Garden - tips for the August Garden.

Using the Harvest: Peach Season - recipes for bottled, frozen, and dried peaches, peach jams and jelly, and fresh peach cobbler.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness - a list for personal hygiene preparedness and includes hygiene tops to survive disasters.

Click here for a complete copy of the August 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

Friday, June 30, 2023

July 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the July 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.

“Freedom isn’t free!” Those song lyrics from long ago are true - and a great reason to celebrate freedom and learn from our past! This July 4th as we celebrate, let us reflect on the many privileges afforded us from living in a free country. Even when things seem to close in on us – the freedom to stand for what is right and support the constitution, is still ours. We are also free in America to be able to worship God, have a garden, store food and money for a rainy day, and set aside supplies for surprise disasters. In some countries it is illegal to “hoard” food (which is really having food storage.) We are truly a blessed nation. We also celebrate our pioneers this month. This offers us another opportunity to learn from those who have gone before us and emulate their example in our preparedness efforts. The patriots and pioneers who paved the way for our way of life today, should never be forgotten. And a great way we can remember, is to use our freedom to Be Prepared!

Included in this month's newsletter:

Preparedness and Self-Reliance - Pioneer Style - a list of skills our pioneers had that can help us in our preparedness.

Why home Food Preservation? Because we CAN! Points on why canning is such a great way to help with food storage, and a link to a "how to" list.

Spiritual Preparedness - a quote from Elder Henry B Eyring on choosing the right in the midst of storms.

Blast from the Past - Four quotes from the past to give incentive for our preparedness.

In the Southern Utah Garden - a list of things to do in your garden during July.

Using the Harvest - Summer  Squash - recipes for brownies, pickle relish, and supper dishes.

Disaster Prep: Summer First Aid Tips - a few home remedies for summer burns, bites and rashes.

Stocking up: Money Saving Option - information about the LDS Church Home Storage Centers and food you can purchase there for your storage!

Click here for a complete copy of the July 2023 Back to Basics Newsletter.