
These monthly newsletters (from January 2011 to present) are to help us all be more prepared. They are written for the Hurricane Utah Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) but everyone is welcome to make copies. Many other groups and individuals are using them. (Note: Garden tips are for Southern Utah. You may need to adjust to fit your climate.)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

July 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter

 Click here for a complete copy of the July 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

July is our month to celebrate freedoms! We are blessed to live in God’s “Promised Land!” Even amidst political and economic strife, or the wars at home and abroad – we are STILL blessed with amazing freedoms - bought and paid for by “those who came before us.” This month we celebrate both America’s freedom, and the coming of the “blessed, honored pioneers” - who settled this harsh land seeking religious freedom. Part of celebrating freedoms is using our agency wisely. Not every country allows families to store food and supplies (they call it hoarding,) and religious freedoms are threatened worldwide. Let us take advantage of the privileges we have as we worship God with all our might, and store supplies to care for our loved ones when those inevitable storms arrive! This month as we set off fireworks, join in the races, or march in parades - we can remember the freedom we all have to “Be Prepared!” When we pray, read the scriptures, bottle some peaches, or fill buckets of wheat – we truly join in letting Freedom Ring! May it ring and echo in each of your homes!

Included in this months newsletter:

Disaster Prep - EMP's - a list of what to do in ANY disaster - including an EMP!

A Basic Reminder: One year Basic Food Storage - the list of amounts per person for one year of basic storage items.

Spiritual Preparedness - A quote from President Russell M Nelson on preparedness and lessons from Captain Moroni.

In the Southern Utah Garden - tasks for your July garden.

Using Food Storage - in the Good Ol' Summertime - ways to use bottled or frozen fruits for summer treats.

Honoring Pioneers - Preparedness Style - A list of things we can do to be prepared that our forefathers did.

Fun in the Sun - Outdoor Cooking - Ideas to try and basic instruction for a simple solar cooker.

 Click here for a complete copy of the July 2024 Back to Basics Newsletter.

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